среда, 8 ноября 2023 г.

Lesson 2 Part 2 (1)

 Learn the words Lesson2Part2(1)

Make up 3  sentences and write them in comments

23 комментария:

  1. Небиева Мадина.
    1. It was really difficult case of disease
    2.he had scarlet fever with complications
    3.The doctor managed to recover the boy from a serious illness

  2. Рамазанова Амина
    He had an accident and broke his leg so he had to have surgery.
    Mother noticed some symptoms of scarlet fever in her child
    They went to the hospital to see their aunt who had a heart attack

  3. Нажмудинова Айсарат
    1)The doctor was on sick leave, so no one could see patients
    2) I had my blood tested at a local clinic.
    3) They took an x-ray to make sure the arm wasn't broken.

  4. Шапиева Разия
    1. He didn't know how to cope with insomnia
    2. He went to see a doctor and he wrote him out a prescription
    3. She stopped taking medicine , as a result of which he had complications

  5. магомедова фатима
    1. He had all the symptoms of the indigestion
    2. If he doesn’t recover from a heart attack, he might die of complications
    3. The doctor wrote him a prescription for a sore throat and a cough

  6. Шарифова Сабрина
    1. He had difficulty breathing due to coughing
    2. If he don't care of himself he may have a nervous breakdown
    3. He is suffering greatly due to cholera disease

  7. Амиралиева Залина
    1. I have a sore throat and it's making it difficult to swallow.
    2. She worked hard to recover from her injury and regain her strength.
    3. Remember to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze to protect others.

  8. Сулейманова Саима
    1. I've got insomnia because of constant stress.
    2. Ann's mother died of cholera when she was six.
    3. I've got indigestion because I've eaten too much crisps.

  9. 1)Cholera was spread from India and claimed many lives in the 19th century.

    2)When he fell ill with pneumonia, he had severe complications that ruined his health.

    3)Constant insomnia spoils memory and increases the risk of mental illnesses.

  10. Магомедрагимова Зухра
    1) Found out about it when he started visiting me at home, I was on sick leave for a long time.
    2) The doctor pulled out the equipment to check grandma’s heart.
    3) He was told to take the medicine twice a week.

  11. Дибирова Джамиля
    1)he had sore throat so he had to go to the doctor
    2) I had a stomachache and a sore throat all over for a day, so I thought I had cholera.
    3) I had typhoid fever with complications.

  12. Магомедова Нурсанат
    (1)What did Leonardo die of?
    (2)The whole town was in a panic, for the cholera was coming nearer and had reached the neighbouring province.
    (3)It is said that insomnia is due to a mental disturbance.

  13. Azhyim Bejsultanova
    1 The doctor prescribed him a tonic for insomnia
    2 Ann cured for typhoid fever by an injection
    3 The doctor said that if there were complications , he would have to have surgery

  14. 1) If you cough persistently, it's important to consult a doctor.
    2) Diphtheria is a serious bacterial infection that requires immediate medical attention.
    3) Doctors will treat for diphtheria with antibiotics to combat the infection


  15. Мирзалиева Самира
    1. I had insomnia for a month, but I recovered from it after I started following the doctor's advice
    2. My mom had flu symptoms , but she didn 't want to consult a doctor
    3. I felt too bad that I had to get an injection of painkillers

  16. Герейханова Марал
    1) She has been suffering from insomnia for three months already
    2) He had many symptoms of typhoid fever and he was afraid to die of it
    3) This doctor usually cures of diptheria

  17. Абдулбекова Милана
    1)He suffered from a chronic backache that’s why he had surgery.
    2)He worked a month without days off, this is what causes a nervous breakdown.
    3)He had to take three spoonfuls of tonic twice a day.

  18. Омарова Амина
    1.Due to his own negligent attitude towards his health, the disease caused complications
    2.The doctor prescribed a course of injections to the patient
    3. Еvery time autumn comes he starts sneezing and coughing

  19. Шабанова Патя
    1) John had a stomach ache and therefore the doctor did a surgery on his appendicitis.
    2)Mary is allergic to pollen so she sneezes all day.
    3)My dad drinks chamomile tea every night because he has insomnia

  20. Бартыханова Марьям
    1.I have a very rare disease.
    2.The doctor gave me a prescription for insomnia.
    3.I recovered from scarlet fever.

  21. курамагомедова аминат
    1.My friend's grandfather died of a heart attack.
    2.I started coughing a lot this morning.
    3.I think I started to suffer from insomnia

  22. Гусейнова Малика
    1. i was constantly sneezing during autumn
    2.what treatment should i get for my disease?
    3. My neighbour had a heart attack

  23. Герейханова Марал
    1) My daughter finally recovered from cholera that she was suffering from for 3 months
    2)It was told him died cause of the complication of typhoid fever
    3) he has so many diseases that he must cure of
